vendredi 20 janvier 2012


A photo taken in 2008, not long ago, but conveying quite a retro feeling, with century old buildings in a bad shape and an old Mercedes.
Carte Postale de Tiberiu - Oradea - Roumanie

mardi 10 janvier 2012

Lac d'Enschaldt (Puy de Dôme)

A walk by one of the numerous lakes around the countryside,
Auvergne, France. 
Carte Postale de Marie
Puy de Dôme - France

Walking by the sea at Whitby

 After a day spent translating, what better way to rest the eyes and breathe in some fresh air than by the sea? Winter is never bleak in this part of the world. It may not always be very warm, but if the sun is shining, the sea’s always blue. Hearing the thrash of waves on the rocks, the noisy seagulls flying above and feeling the wind in your hair is invigorating!
  Carte Postale de Caroline
Whitby - United Kingdom

mercredi 4 janvier 2012

Speed of Light

After looking at this photo I realized how fast I reached 34. Maybe it was even faster than the speed of light.
Carte Postale de Tiberiu
Oradea - Roumanie

lundi 2 janvier 2012


23H00. Refuge Albert 1er sur le glacier du Tour en Haute-Savoie. Le coucher de soleil, qui colore la montagne d'un lueur orangée,  fait face au lever de lune qui éclaircit soudain la nuit comme en plein jour, sur un glacier aux reflets blancs et bleutés qui repose au pied de l'Aiguille du Chardonnet... 
La promesse d'une magnifique randonnée, d'un effort intense dans un monde de silence. 
Carte Postale de Ghislaine
 Thorens-Glières - France


New Year’s Day 2012
Translator’s best friend (with translator in tow) in the beautiful Irish countryside, with the house nestling in the valley below. 
Where better to recharge the batteries?

Postcards from Sue
 Ballymacarbry, Co. Waterford - Ireland